The Festival 2.0.0 development version is available on github


Create a festival with this custom area events plugin for Pocketmine Server:

Manage area’s and run commmands attachted to area events.

( latest stable version 1.1.3 @ poggit )

Here’the latest 2.0.0 dev readme file:

Festival plugin logo large

Copyright Genboy 2018 – 2019


Stable version issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit

Festival 2.0.0 Command usage

If you like to use Festival consider sharing your experience and issues to fix any usability problems before posting a vote! That way it will improve Festival, my coding skills, your Pocketmine-MP insights and strenghten the PMMP community, thank you!

!Take notice of the Copyright Statement if you use Festival for the first time since 27 April 2019. Read the Legal Notice at the bottom of this README file or the Legal Notice tab at


2.0.0-dev Features

  • Festival Manager Menu (UI) – or use the commands
  • Cube AND Sphere area’s set with diagonal, radius or diameter
  • Area, Config AND Level flags managed from menu
  • Area name (and desc) can now be Full string inCluDing MuLti wORds CaPitaLized
  • Experimental Area Priority level

Management UI in game:

command /fe ui(form, config, data)

or hold magic item ( default item 201 – Purpur Pillar block – change in config management)

or use the commands (now with Multi wORd FULLY CapitAlized nameS possible)

Download development version: .phar zippackage phar zipped Please report bugs -thank you! issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit

or use devtools plugin and download zip package

Festival version 2.0.0-dev Install: (always save copies of your previous used config.yml and areas.json before re-install)

  1. place phar or unzipped folder in plugins folder and restart,
  2. after restart; 2a. if need previous used configs and areas: delete config.json and areas.json from the root folder and put your config.yml and areas.json in Festival (root) folder 2b. if clean start (no areas) edit /resources/config.yml to your likes and delete config.json from the root folder
  3. Then restart again, now areas.json, levels.json and config.json in Festival (root) folder are used.

( or download latest stable version @ poggit – no Festival menu, only command usage)



Menu In version 2.0.0 the Festival Management Menu (FormUI) is introduced


  • set default options in config.yml;
    • Language: en – select language English = en, Dutch = nl, es = Español, pl = Polskie – translate please !
    • ItemID: Hold this Magic block/item to enter Menu (default item 201 – Purpur Pillar block)
    • Msgtype: msg – Area Messages Display position (msg/title/tip/pop)
    • Msgdisplay: off – Area Messages persist display to ops (off/op/on)
    • Areadisplay: op – Area Floating Title display to ops (off/op/on)
    • FlightControl: on – To disable flight flag for all Festival usage (on/off)
    • AutoWhitelist: on – Auto whitelist area creator (on/off)


  • Create and manage area’s ingame
    • Define area’s by tapping 2 positions
      • diagonal for cube
      • radius for sphere
      • diameter for sphere
    • create/delete/list area’s
    • add area description
    • whitelist players for the area
    • tp to an area
    • show area’s info at current position


  • Set area flags ingame Flags: Any flag true will protect the area and the players in it. ie. edit: true (on) means no breaking/building by players. shoot: true (on) means no shooting by players.
    • edit: the area is save from building/breaking
    • hurt: players in the area are save (previous god flag)
    • pvp: players in the area are save from PVP
    • flight: players in the area are not allowed to fly
    • touch: area is save from player interaction with doors/chests/signs etc.
    • animals: no animal spawning (including spawners & eggs)
    • mobs: no mobs spawning (including spawners & eggs)
    • effect: player can not keep using effects in the area
    • msg: do not display area enter/leave messages
    • pass: no passage for non-whitelisted players! (previously barrier flag)
    • drop: players can not drop things
    • tnt: explosions protected area
    • fire: fire protected area (including spreading & lava)
    • explode: explosions protected area
    • shoot: player can not shoot (bow)
    • perms: player permissions are used to determine area command execution
    • hunger: player does not exhaust / hunger
    • fall: player will not have fall damage
    • cmd: area event commands are only executed for ops (test area commands)

Events & Commands

  • Add commands to area events
    • assign commands to area events
    • enter, center or leave.
    • variable player in commands with {player} or @p
    • add/edit/delete area event command
    • list area commands (ordered by event)
    • change event of area commands

Festival Menu

Festival main menu

Start menu select management option


Select teleport destination

Select teleport destination


Area management option menu

Area option menu

Select area to manage

Select area

Manage area settings

Edit area settings

Manage area flags

Edit area flags

Manage area commands

Manage commands to area

Add command

Edit or add commands to area

Manage area Whitelist

Manage area whitelist

Select area to delete

Delete area

Confirm to delete area

Cofirm area delete


Select new area type

Select new area type

Set area positions

Cube Diagonal
1. Place or break the first diagonal position for new cube area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the longest diagonal in the new cube area
Sphere Radius
1. Place or break the center position for the new sphere area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the radius for new sphere area
Sphere Diameter
1. Place or break the first diameter position for the new sphere area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the diameter for new sphere area

Create area with Name (and description)

Create area with name and description


Select level to manage flags

Select level

Manage level flags options

Edit level flags(defaults)


Manage Festival configuration options and set default flags

Manage configuration
Copyright Genboy 2018 – 2019- markdown edited with []


  • Edit config.yml; set the defaults for options, default area flags and the default area flags for specific worlds.
  • using ingame Festival Menu (UI) for configurations
  • older versions (1.1.3) read wiki on configurations
Festival 2.0.0 Command usage


Install & Configure

  • Standard Plugin installation; Upload .phar file to server ‘plugin’ folder (or upload .zip if you have latest devtools installed), restart the server, go to folder plugins/Festival;
  • read wiki on configurations
  • Edit config.yml; set the defaults for options, default area flags and the default area flags for specific worlds.
  • ##### Read the config comments carefully about how the flags work!


Updates available at poggit and github

!Before update always copy your config.yml and areas.json files to a save place, with this you can revert your Festival installation
  • after .phar install and first restart/reload plugins; check console info and your areas.json and config.yml; restart after adjusted correctly Copyright Genboy 2018


Set Festival language en/nl/es/pl for area and command returned messages. en = english nl = nederlands (es = Espanol) (pl = Polski) _ = your language, please help translate _.js

Create area

First command ‘/fe pos1’ and tab or break a block for position 1 (holding a block, not an item),

then command ‘/fe pos2’ and tab or break a block to set position2,

these are the endpoints of the area longest diagonal.

/fe pos1
/fe pos2

Then name/save the selected area

/fe create <AREANAME>  

Now the area is ready to use

You might want to set or edit the area description line

/fe desc <AREANAME> <description>

Set area flags

Festival v1.0.1-11 introduced a fast toggle for flags:

  /fe <edit/hurt/pvp/flight/touch/mobs/animals/effect/tnt/fire/explode/shoot/drop/msg/pass/hunger/perms/fall/cmd> <AREANAME>

Area flag defaults are set in the config.yml, server defaults and world specific default flag. 

  /fe flag <AREANAME> list

Delete an area

/fe delete(del,remove) <AREANAME>   

Position info

See area information at position

/fe here

List all area’s

See all area info, optional per level

/fe list (<LEVELNAME>)

Teleport to area

Teleporting to area center top, drop with no falldamage (if falldamage flag true)

/fe tp <AREANAME>

Toggle level area’s floating title display

Area floating title display (default set in config.yml)

/fe titles

Set description


Manage whitelist

/fe whitelist <AREANAME> <add/list/remove(del,delete)> <PLAYERNAME>

Area event commands

**This is the fun part of Festival: assign commands to area events**

When an area is created 3 events are available;
  - enter; when a player enters the area
  - center; when a player reaches the center (3x3xareaHeight blocks)
  - leave; when a player leaves the area

To add a command you need at least;
  - an areaname, 
  - an unique id for the command 
  - make sure the command works! (when you are op)

/fe command <AREANAME> <add/list/edit/event*/del> <COMMANDID> <COMMANDSTRING/enter*/leave*/center*> 

Add a command:


   'add' is the default for attaching a command on the 'enter' event. 
  Using 'enter', 'center' or 'leave' instead of 'add' attaches the new command to 
  the given eventtype: i.e. /fe command <areaname> center <commandid> <commandstring>

List area commands:

/fe command <AREANAME> list

Edit command:


Change command event:

/fe command <AREANAME> event <COMMANDID> <enter/center/leave>

Remove command:

/fe command <AREANAME> del <COMMANDID>


Updates available at poggit and github

##### !Before update always copy your config.yml and areas.json files to a save place, with this you can revert your Festival installation

  • after .phar install and first restart/reload plugins; check console info and your areas.json and config.yml; restart after adjusted correctly
  • ! Update Festival 2 in development translating resource config.yml or your mainfolder config.yml and areas.json on install


Command: /fe lang Set Festival language en/nl/es/pl for area and command returned messages. en = english nl = nederlands

todo: es = Espanol, pl = Polski

_ = your language, please help translate _.js


The area code derives from the iProctector plugin. All credits for the area creation and protection code go to the iProtector creator LDX-MCPE and other iProtector devs.

The Festival code is written and tested by Genboy and first released on 12 Feb 2018, first extending the area object with area events (enter and leave messages) and soon added functions and ingame commands to attach a commandstring to a area-event. Since v1.0.7 the area’s and players can be protected with 12 flags, and trigger commands on areaEnter, areaCenter and areaLeave.

Legal Notice

— Legal notice —

For Festival the General Public License agreement version 3, as in the LICENSE file is still included and operative.

To protect this software since 27 April 2019 the Festival software package is copyrighted by Genboy. You are legally bind to read the Festival Copyright statement.

In short this change of Copyright statement does not change the usage levels as stated in the GPU, for a part it now prohibits any entities to sell the software without the knowledge of the owner.

— end legal notice —

Copyright Genboy 2018 – 2019- markdown edited with