More stable as ever! Cheers to the PMMP team and devfriends, great work!
Pocketmine has grown more stable since the first API 3 release, many bugs in the core have been squashed, liquids refactored and a lot of tweaks have been done creating better performance. Now is the time most plugin developers have picked-up all the API methods and some of the best but old plugins have made a return and contribute to a multitude of stable options to extend the Pocketmine core. This is the new generation Minecraft DIY, We believe Pocketmine is the best and the Microsoft Minecraft overtake sucks! (see previous post update 🙂

My plugin repository has grown a bit and is ready for ALPHA10, running PocketMine-MP_1.7dev-501_66562f24_API-3.0.0-ALPHA10.phar