Festival Mounichia v1.1.3

Festival Mounichia v1.1.3

Festival plugin update new features

  • now 4 language translations: en/nl/es/pl
  • new class ForceUTF8 for json encoding translations (v1.1.2 is skipped because translations did not work)
  • new FlightControl option to disable flight flag

Almost ready at Poggit – download release from github

With a lot of issues going up and down the Festival plugin is reaching for puberty with a new FlightControl option to disable the flight flag and it’s default functions. Genboy has taken a deep breath and remembered himself; if another plugin is used for flight control (ie. WorldProtector, Worlds, PCFly, BlazinFly etc.) there should be no problem also using a Festival area to give or take the users flight abillity with it’s unique area event command functions.

Together with a good working translation system, encoding any type of json, and Espanol and Polskie languages added and many more to come in the future, the plugin will become much easier to use for server owners.


Festival v1.0.7 Haloa

The latest Festival release
A new development update v1.0.7.2-dev with new flags is on it’s way.

Festival 1.0.7 is for Pocketmine Api alpha10 to 3.1.4 (Pocketmine v1.5).  Issues and feedback on github have helped a lot to improve the Festival plugin, thank you all active responding plugin users! In the folllowing updates code wil be rewritten, more simplified and faster – changes since v1.0.6 have made this possible. After that, a new era for Festival will begin, looking at the pocketmine developments on the formAPI.

More info and downloads at Poggit and Github.

issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit

! All packages for Festival PMMP plugin are generated by automated software provided by Server.pro, Github.com and Poggit.pmmp.io. Always download the original .phar files from [poggit.pmmp.io](https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/Festival) or your .zip files from [github.com](https://github.com/genboy/Festival) to ensure your environments safety.

Festival Thargelia v1.0.6-13 – pocketmine plugin

Festival Thargelia v1.0.6-13 – pocketmine plugin

A big update for the Festival plugin for Pocketmine ALPHA 10+

Festival Thargelia

! New Flight flag ! new PVP flag ! AND playername replacements {player} or @p to use in area event commands! Yes, now you can use all those commands to work on any player triggering the area event!! This is what Festival was made for 🙂
More info and downloads at Poggit and Github.

issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit

The original Stable version dev-32 .phar even works with Pocketmine 1.7dev-1174 3.0.0-ALPHA13


! All packages for Festival PMMP plugin are generated by automated software provided by Server.pro, Github.com and Poggit.pmmp.io. Always download the original .phar files from [poggit.pmmp.io](https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/Festival) or your .zip files from [github.com](https://github.com/genboy/Festival) to ensure your environments safety.

Custom area events with the Festival plugin for Pocketmine

Custom area events with the Festival plugin for Pocketmine

This functionality was what I missed so I made this


plugin originating from the iProtector area code.

Below a short introduction, more info at the Festival page

Festival provides ingame commands for Pocketmine-PM servers to create area’s, set protective flags AND attach commands to area events! The commands are attachted to the eventtypes of the area and executed (as op!) when a player triggers an event. All controlled ingame with a pretty simple command structure.


Festival current release includes 3 basic(static) area events to get started: enter, leave and center. Each event holds an array of commands to be executed. The players position (and suited permission) triggers the events in the area. Commands triggered by area events are executed with OP permission. Standard area welcome message including a custom description line and standard leave message, displayed at the outer borders and in the center area. Toggle the flag ‘msg’ for the area to turn messages off for players. Control the area whitelist Define Festival default flags in the config.yml and control flags ingame for each area. The flags: edit, god, touch, msg and barrier. These provide exclusive area protection.

More info? Scroll a bit more, go to the Festival page or head over to the Festival Poggit page


Packages and latest builds at Poggit and Github

Refinements in progress @ github.com/genboy/Festival

Festival is publiced under lgpl-3.0 license

Support: If you use and like the plugin please consider a small donation to keep Festival up to date.


The area code derives from the iProctector plugin. All credits for the basics of area creation and protective flags go to the iProtector creator LDX-MCPE and the other iProtector devs.

In a first fork from poggit-orphanage the code extended the area with player events triggering enter and leave messages and adding options to attach separate event-objects to an area and trigger specific events with commands. These test versions kept the core iProtector areas unchanged to be able to use excisting area’s and thinking maybe some day to make an attribution to the iProtecor project. These first adjustments worked well being a test plugin but keeping iProtector area’s while adding separate event data made me create a split command structure (wich isn’t logical or handy) and separate event objects are only needed if the original area class should stay the same. So, for a better plugin command structure and performance the basics of the iProtector Area code was used to create the setup for what now has become the Festival Plugin.